Friday, January 15, 2010

Cafe World Addict

Do you use facebook? I've been a member almost since its inception. I can still remember the first time I used it, compared to Myspace ithought it was a bit clunky, but I soon got used to it and the apps the you can install are just amazing.

I've become totallyaddicted to it now, and I have it running on my computer all the time, luckily i work in a business that allows us to access facebook or I think I might ahve to quit and work from home or something.

The best game app that I am using at the moment is Cafe World, this little sim style game is just brilliant and again I am totally addicted to it. The premise is simple, you own a cafe and you have to make it successful. There are a number of ways you can do this and the building and cooking is where the fun comes in.

I have my buzz points sitting at around 100 all the time, and I'm working on enlargin my cafe to get more tables and chairs. I think I'll be bloggina bout this for quite a while.

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